EVOO isthe superior category of olive oil and it is the juice of olive fruits (Olea europea L), which is produced obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means and it is classified in detail by the following names, depending on its content of free fatty acids (acidity) and with some very high quality features, which are provided for each category:

- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (acidity≤ 0,8 %), where it is included the early Harvest EVOO.
- Virgin Olive Oil (acidity ≤ 2 %)
- Olive Oil (acidity ≤ 3,3 %)
- Refined Olive Oil (acidity ≤ 0,3 %)
- Olive Oil mixed with Refined and Virgin without Lampante Olive Oil (acidity≤ 1 %)
- Lampante Olive Oil (acidity > 2,0 %)
- Paw Olive Oil Pomace (acidity ≤ 1 %)
- Refined Olive Oil Pomace (acidity ≤ 0,3 %)
- Olive Oil Pomacemixed with Refined Olive Oil Pomaceand Virgin Olive Oil (acidity ≤ 1 %)